Saturday, April 11, 2009


Helllooooooo... it has been a long long time since i last wrote anything on my blog... mannnn... i have just become too lazy to do anything in life... don't know what is the purpose, how would my entire life be, and will i continue doing what i am doing right now till i die???? Which is - "NOTHING"??? My perspectives towards life are changing yaar... and sometimes i feel that it is all about perspectives... i mean the fundamental truth and theory of our life is "our perspective". No "geeta saar" can define life, and no osho's philosophy can show you the path to a happy life and salvation... humbug, to me it all can be summed under one philosophy of "perspectives"...

The other day my friends were telling me "Ajay you have changed a lot"... Of course i have, my perspective towards life has changed, with time every person is bound to change... So to all the wives and girlfriends in the world, i am sure you don't think the way you used to when you were young... dolls get substituted by boys and gossips... older you grow they get substituted by just gossips... even older... and finally you get substituted. :)

My boss tells me what are my mistakes, my improvement areas, what i did wrong in my project, but is it necessary that what he thinks i have done wrong is the right logic??? Bloody perspective again.... I supposed what i was doing was right and that is why i did it, now how can you say that his logic of evaluation of a matter is superior to mine??? Bloody bosses....... hmmmmm

Its not about being headstrong or not flexible enough to accept your mistakes, but its just about opening up your mind and thinking from all angles... "Entertaining a stranger thought/idea without accepting is the sign of an educated and developed mind"... Then why most of us think that we are right and the other person is not??? And the shittiest thing is that this set of people includes me......and every person, at some point of time in life...

People say that not everything is black and white... there are shades of grey.... but to me most of the portion in this big picture of life is filled with grey shade... we are not computers, which can defy a logic on the basis of certain set commands and codes... no list of commands or premises can be exhaustive for query of life... calling a thing right just because you think its right is not a very right thing to do... right??? Anyways right think for me now is to think what is right for me to do for the life whichis left! That is setting the right perspective....Ciao...byeeeeeee...
A Writer Knows No Boundaries...He Just Scribbles over... Please Don't Feel Offended!